We had the wonderful blessing of being able to attend the wedding of our son, Paul, to Tara Cotten in the Twin Falls Temple on June 7, 2013. We received permission from our Mission President to attend this special occasion and I needed to have some blood tests done and we both needed some dental work so we got that done while we were home. At the wedding we got to see all of our children and grandchildren.
Grandma got to hold Sadie, our newest grandchild, who was born in February. |
Paul and Tara with Paul's sisters, Rebecca and Anna. |
Paul and Tara with all of his siblings and their spouses, left to right, Joseph, David and Becki, Mike and Carrie, Paul and Tara, Ty and Rebecca, Jason and Anna, Jennie and Sam. |
Paul with his proud parents. |
Paul and Tara coming out of the temple. |
We got to have all of our 16 grandchildren at the wedding. |
Paul and Tara dancing at the reception.